Christmas greetings from a cottage in Cornwall, England

Steve Michelle Addison 2013 12 24

I’ve spent most of November and early December training in disciple making movements around England — London, Bristol, Cambridge, Leicester and Nottingham.

Now Michelle and I are taking some long service leave. We’ve found a quiet 17th Century cottage in a small town by the coast. 

The locals assure us Cornwall is “sub tropical” which means gale force winds of 70mph and temperatures of 8 degrees Celsius. Plenty of warm fires, reading and long walks in waterproof gear.

Next stop Thailand and India where we’ll visit some of our workers and I’ll will do some research for my next book on Movement Leadership.

I’m not planning to update the blog again until early February.

Congratulations to the Aussie cricket team for restoring the natural order of things in their 3-0 Ashes victory over England.

Enjoy this amazing time of the year when we reflect on God's gift of life in Jesus Christ.


Ahmed can I pray for you?


Update from Gary Stump