Movement in the South Pacific

2013 11 Grant Morrison 2

Grant Morrison is our man in the South Pacific. Here’s news from his training in Honiara, Solomon Islands:

One lady, who had never quite been able to have her children listen to her talk about Jesus, has now been able to tell her children and grandchildren about Jesus and they have asked questions. She is so happy. One of the youth leaders, Laurence, has shared about Jesus with colleagues at work and seen them come to faith. He has talked with some of the youth at the church and also met a girl down the street shared with her and she made a decision to follow Jesus. Another man, Stephen, has been on a roll and told dozens of people at his work about Jesus. One day, at work, he was out in a truck doing deliveries with 2 others and the driver stopped and asked him again to retell the story of Jesus he wanted to understand it completely.

At this training I used the gospel bracelet as the tool to prompt in telling Jesus story. I decided on this tool because there were many illiterate people at the training. With the bracelet each colored bead is a reminder of something Jesus has done or we are to do. The stories of people sharing their faith show the bracelet proved to be a success. I’ve also trained people not to hand over a bracelet until the person can retell the gospel story accurately. As a result 100’s of people have heard about Jesus and are telling others.

At the other training the attendance has only been small with equally exciting results. One of the men, Nelson, has brought along his new believers. One week it was Samson and the next was Josep. Both had made clear decisions to follow Jesus. This is just the beginning. Nelson is going back to his home village for Christmas and he wants to tell everyone there about Jesus and to start groups for ongoing discipleship. His partner over Christmas will be Samson who has been a believer for 2 weeks. Samson is very excited about being part of the adventure.

In 2014 Grant will be training in Fiji and Papua New Guinea. Here’s where you can go to support his ministry.


Update from Gary Stump


Online training in disciple making movements