I'm back — sort of

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Photo: Sir Edmond Hilary and Tenzing Norgay on the India-Nepal border.

I'm back from trekking in the foothills of the Hymalayas with some CPM buddies. Aussie, American, and a Nepali/Indian from Bhutan. Plus our Sherpa guide.

The ride up and back was scary. A 1954 Landrover and the bumpiest drive I have ever experienced. Stray to the left and it’s a few hundred meters fall into Nepal. Stray to the right and you die in India.

We trekked at over 3,000 meters along the border trail. I was fine until we began to go uphill. The altitude left me gasping for air with any sort of exertion.

Three days of about 16 km a day. A once in a lifetime experience. We saw four of the five tallest peaks in the world, including Mt Everest and Mt Kanchanjunga.

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I’ve never been so cooooold in all my life.

This week I’m speaking at an SIM mission leader’s conference in Kuala Lumpa. Next week I’m home for the first time since early November.

But not for long. I’m away again in March working on the next book. It will be on Movement Leadership.

Expect the occasional blog post, but I won’t be back to full strength until early April.


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Pray for John Short and for the people of North Korea