An update from our man in the South Pacific

Grant Morrison PNG training 2014 02

Grant Morrison serves with MOVE in the South Pacific. He’s based in the Solomon Islands. He’s out training in Fiji, Vanuatu and Tonga.

He and Keith Wilson have just finished training in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Here’s part of Grant’s report.

We averaged 25 people each day and right from the start good things happened. On the first afternoon, Keith got to meet a man suffering from TB. He shared his story with him then got Vincent, one of the local men we were training, to pray. God healed this man, taking away his chest pain. A couple of days later this man then got his whole family together to hear about Jesus and to meet to learn from the Bible.

The emphasis of getting into homes and starting groups was clearer in this training in Port Moresby. Each day there were many exciting stories of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ. I would then ask “are you following them up?” and “are you meeting in their house?” After a couple of days of asking, trainees were getting back into homes to continue to meet with those they had contacted. There were betel nut sellers, a major criminal on the run from the police, people walking down the street, members of families and others who heard the gospel and want to know more about being a disciple of Jesus.

Two of those we trained are already on their way to the western province of PNG to share among their ‘people group’ and start churches all over the place. Parts of PNG have responded positively to the gospel in the past but now there is a new generation turning their back on the church. The need to reach this new generation is urgent and the team we trained clearly saw the priority of reaching people through Church Planting Movements.

Travel costs are high in the South Pacific. The flight to PNG cost over $2,000. Grant often pays his own way when he trains. 

I’ve launched an appeal to raise $10,000 towards his 2014 travel costs. If you’d like to contribute visit the giving page on the MOVE website.


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