What Jesus Started awarded Outreach Resource of the Year

Forget the Oscars….

What Jesus Started: Joining the Movement, Changing the World was named the Outreach Resource of the Year in the Church Health category.

Todd Engstrom, executive pastor of the Austin Stone Community Church and director of church planting for the Austin Stone Institute in Austin, Texas, selected the resources for this category.

“When it comes to church health, the single greatest indicator is healthy, replicating disciples of Jesus,” said Engstrom. “Addison thoroughly establishes a framework for discipleship by analyzing the ministry methods of Jesus, the early disciples and Paul, while interweaving several real-life stories of multiplying disciples and churches.

What Jesus Started is an excellent, practical resource to help your church take significant steps toward becoming an effective movement of disciple-making disciples, which is what a healthy church is all about. The application of the ideas contained in this resource, empowered by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, would do wonders for cultivating a vibrant community of Christ-followers!”


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