Jesus as theological educator

Jesus rich ruler

Jesus chose not to found a school (even though schools existed in the ancient world) or to establish a structured curriculum leading to a degree. Further, even after their three years of education at Jesus’ side, Peter and John were still identified as ignorant and untrained, but nonetheless feared and honored and able to turn their world upside down (Acts 4).

Linda Cannell

I don’t think Jesus saw his role as “educator” as though the accumulation knowledge was sufficient to change the human heart.

Jesus made disciples who learned to follow and obey him.

How can we reshape what we call theological education so that it aligns with making and multiplying disciples who are faithful in head, heart and hands discipleship?

Keith Ferdinando has some good suggestions in the latest edition of Themelios.

[I’d like to track down the name of the artist to credit for the image above.]

UPDATE: Thanks to Peter we’ve identified the painting as Christ and the Rich Young Ruler by Heinrich Hofmann.


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