Trouble shooting the Four Fields: Endvision

Four Fields  Shank

The inspiration for my Movements Diamond came from Nathan Shank’s Four Fields training on church planting movements.

Nathan begins with Endvision. What does it look like to finish the task? What does “no place left” mean for you (Rom 15:23).

When he’s equipping movement leaders these are questions Nathan asks them about their Endvision:

  • Can you accomplish your vision?
  • Working backwards, are their significant milestones on the road that can serve as temporary/this year’s goals?
  • What parts/steps toward the vision are still mysterious? Where do you need God to show up?
  • By what metrics do you measure progress toward your vision? • Is your vision big enough for your disciples to own a chunk of the vision?
  • Is your vision compelling?
  • Is your vision the kind of vision that folks would invest their life into?
  • Are your disciples talking about grandchildren in the Lord?
  • Are you the agent of your vision? Who else is needed? 

How could you use these questions? Pull them out at your next team meeting or gathering of practitioners.

Next we’ll look at how Nathan troubleshoots the Entry Field.

UPDATE: Find out more on the Four Fields in my interviews with Nathan somewhere in South Asia: The Five Parts of a CPM Plan

UPDATE: I should have mentioned that the diagnostic questions are a joint project with Nathan Shank, Jeff Sundell and Jared Houk.



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