What I learned from Peter

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When I catch up with someone like Peter Roennfeldt I expect to learning something.

Our coffee by the lake the other day was no exception. Here are a few insights. . .

Many of us are working hard hoping that somehow that what we do will result in making disciples. It doesn’t and we don’t know why.

Often it’s the “tweaks” that make all the difference. But we can’t see it without input from another practitioner outside our situation.

The couple in Bosnia signed up to make disciples and plant a church. They established many relationships. Yet no one had come to faith and gone onto discipleship. The couple were disappointed.

Many of us are well connected in our communities, but we’re silent witnesses. There are people out there ready to learn more about Jesus, but we’ll never find them if we don’t ask. We need simple methods like Discovery Bible Study, sharing our story, sharing God’s story, praying for needs. Someone like Peter needs to train us and help get us started.

Peter will no doubt circle back with an email, a Skype call or another visit and find out how the new groups are going? He’ll want to know are people coming to faith in Christ? Are any groups reproducing? How will you help the groups form into churches? How can you train others to do what you are doing?

Get some basic training. Start reaching out. But don’t go the journey alone. Make sure you have other practitioners and mentors like Peter speaking into your life and ministry.


The sound of silence at Hillsong


Coffee with Peter Ronnefeldt