Brian Houston issues a clarification

2014 10 16 Hillsong Press Conference NY

Brian Houston has put out a clarification regarding his comments on homosexuality at a New York press conference.

He  explained:

Nowhere in my answer did I diminish biblical truth or suggest that I or Hillsong Church supported gay marriage. I challenge people to read what I actually said, rather than what was reported that I said. My personal view on the subject of homosexuality would line up with most traditionally held Christian views. I believe the writings of Paul are clear on this subject.

I was asked a question on how the church can stay relevant in the context of gay marriage being legal in the two states of the USA where we have campuses. My answer was simply an admission of reality – no more and no less. I explained that this struggle for relevance was vexing as we did not want to become ostracized by a world that needs Christ.

He urged people to read the full tex of what he said not just the newspaper headlines.

Good to have the clarification. Even better to be clear from the start. This issue is not going away.


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