I did it!

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Some email traffic from last week.

I chatted to Annie and her husband over coffee and gave them a brief overview of how they could connect and share the gospel. They’re leaders with experience in planting churches. Annie listened and then she went home and took a risk.

Hi Steve,

Just wanted to let you know that i did it!  :-)

After our meeting in London, I was washing my windows outside and a woman who lives some houses from me, stopped and started to talk with me. She told me that she was in hospital and almost died. I made an appointment with her to talk some more the other day.

So the day after, I went to her home, we had coffee and I asked her; If God could do a miracle in her life what would it be, and could I pray for her?

Of course she wanted to be healed. So I prayed for her that moment. She started crying because no one ever did this for her. I told her my story and asked is she was willing to do dbs together. It shocked her a bit because she had bad experience with Jehovah's witnesses. She wanted to think about it.

But it touched me so much because this is such a natural way to talk with people! You listen to them, ask questions and let God do the work. I loved it!

Just wanted to let you know!

Thanks for sharing with us in London!



 Here’s another one. Russell is a church planter who came to a Friday night and Saturday morning training. Then he took a risk and shared.


Wanted to say a big thank you for sending these materials through and for chatting about it on Friday.

I met with the couple last night and we had a great conversation. We ended with them both saying a prayer to invite Jesus into their hearts and they (esp. the mum) are interested in exploring further after the baptism. I feel like they have gone from a position of a fairly vague sense of faith to a simple understanding of who Jesus is and what he has done for them and that turning to him is about ongoing discipleship.

Your help really changed how I approached the evening for the better. I used Jesus’ baptism story and then did something like you did in the second link below – worked really well.

So now thinking about the right discipleship strategy. The following and fishing stuff looks great…wondering if I can gather a little group to do this…might be worth a little chat on this at some point…

Blessings to you!!


Here’s what I’m learning:

  1. There are a lot of people out there who ready to say yes to following Jesus today. These stories came from “post Christian” Britain and Europe.
  2. You need some simple training in connecting and sharing.
  3. Add to the training a step of obedience on your part.
  4. God will show up and you’ll never be the same.
  5. Make sure you know what to do next to help a new believer reach their family and friends.

What if the reason people aren’t coming to faith is because we’re not sharing?


What to do when someone says, "Thanks but no thanks"?


Disciple making movements in 90 seconds