No place left: Getting started


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Ray Vaughn is moving to Houston so he sent this email around to the usual suspects:

Guys.  I have a question.  Did any of you formulate a step by step plan for when you hit the ground running in a new city, or to engage a new people group? 

Here’s what Jared thought …

  1. First six months—train everyone you can find, take them with you in the field always.
    Practically—L1 trainings (several per month) and then personally out in the harvest 4-6 days per week, calling others to join you as often as possible.
  2. At the end of 6 months, retreat and reflect on who is faithful, teachable, and fruitful.
    Practically—Midlevel training with a couple of the t4tusa guys in attendance. Have them connect with your potentials and give feedback as to how to best move forward with each of them.
  3. Spend the next 6 months helping them as they train and take people to the field.
    Practically—Assist your guys as they train and watch them from the background as they do it on their own. Ensure they are in the field several times per week.
    I would suggest a goal of finding faithful people (5-10) as a good one for the end of the first year. This would also set you up for success in year two.

L1 trainings are about how to get from “zero to one” — from no disciples to a group of new believers gathered as church. Midlevel training helps those doing zero to one take the next step.


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