3 Circles Life Conversation Guide [updated]


We’ve just finished a week of mission in Leicester. More to come on that.

A quick update to this post to say that the Three Circles gospel presentation served us well during the mission. It's easy to train people to use it. It's culturally relevant in the way it picks up the theme of "brokenness." It's easy to drop in your own story using the Three Circles. We're going with Malachi's version that replaces "Gospel" with "Jesus" as the title for the third circle and includes the graphic of the Cross. He also uses "Turn and Believe" rather than "Repent and Believe."

Soon I'll be introducing the Three Circles into our Following and Fishing training.

I suggest you learn the Three Circles and begin using it. Talking about Brokenness is a great lead in with people.

I’m learning this gospel presentation demonstrated here by Jimmy Scroggins. I’ll learn it, practice it, then use it and see what happens.

Visit LifeOnMission to find out more.

UPDATE: Listen to Jimmy Scroggins casting vision for multiplication movements.

UPDATE: Malachi Cooper shares the gospel using the Three Circles.

Malachi and his dad Troy are with us this week in Leicester for the Mission Breakout.


Jeff Sundell — how he got started pioneering movements [video]


092-Pioneering Movements in the West (2) Jeff Sundell