The Great Commission — Make disciples

Ask eighteen missional experts what they think mission is and only half of them will identify the making of disciples as the essence or heart of the mission of Jesus.

Ask Jesus what it means to be missional and he’ll point you to his example and his teaching.

In the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) all mission activity is directed towards the main verb — make disciples. Making disciples is characterized by going, baptising and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded.

To be a disciple is to be called to make new disciples. Multiplication is built into this Commission.

We are called not to get decisions but to make disciples in the same manner in which Jesus made disciples.

What is a disciple?

The whole of Matthew’s Gospel is a commentary on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Disciples are those who hear, understand, and obey Jesus' teaching and follow his example.

It couldn’t be clearer …. unless you listen to a missional expert.


The Great Commission — Go


Newbigin's shift — from a traditional to a movements paradigm