Movement vision — Touch it. Taste it. Smell it.

Troy and Rachel Cooper’s team have been praying and dreaming for South Florida.

Note how real this vision statement is. You can almost touch it. They know the big picture, they know what movement pioneers do. They know what to do on Monday morning.

Thank you for prayers for our South Florida Team's 2016 vision/planning day today. Here were the outcomes:

Clarified Mission (what we do): "We make disciples who start churches that make disciples who start churches to the 4th generation and beyond" (NOTE: some churches prefer to start groups, missional communities, etc so when working w outside organizations we'll defer to vision of their leadership)

Clarified Vision: "See God establish a 4G church in every ZIP Code by 2020"

Committed Strategy: 5 Parts of Jesus' strategy from Gospels + Acts illustrated by the 4 Fields. Committed to using reproducing tools for each part.

Based on where we are at right now in the CPM Continuum, these are the high-value activities (HVAs) we are committed to: -Prayer & fasting for the harvest -Gospel: abundant seed sowing -Homes: engage every zip code via prayer walking & HoP search -Train believers to mobilize abundant seed sowing and filter for leaders via swarm training & weekly rollouts -Training in the harvest -Team church & strategy gatherings using 3/3s

We're praying for a month and gathering on December 10 to set individual + team goals & will calendar 2016 together. In the meantime Carter Cox challenged us to set personal goals over the next month & the following minimum was agreed upon: -prayer for harvest: 60 min/ day -gospel: 1+/day -1+ HoP search/ wk -2 swarm trainings

Additionally, we're considering example of the Houston team led by Ray Vaughn to seek out local churches who will commit to being "training centers" [host monthly "Gospel Conversations" (L1) Training + HoP Search] with goal of raising up training teams, mobilizing abundant seed sowing, filtering for leaders and establishing fruitful communities of practice. This is in addition to our own catalytic work in the harvest.

We're praying for God to raise up or send us more evangelists on our team. We're also focusing prayer on raising up leaders who reflect our community including Spanish-speaking (various countries represented), African-American, Haitian, Jamaican, etc.

Lastly, we will pray through our Acts 1:8 focus to determine which cities/ people groups we'll focus on (outside South Florida) in North America and among the nations.

Most vision statements aren’t worth the paper they are written on.

What’s your vision? Is it grounded in the Word? Can you touch it? Taste it? Smell it? Do you know what to do on Monday morning?


Following & Fishing: Getting Started — UPDATED


Movement Pioneers Go First