The gospel works in Kisumu UPDATED

Trainees sharing the gospel in Kisumu

Trainees sharing the gospel in Kisumu

I’m in Kisumu, Kenya this week training 50 young Africans to multiply disciples and churches.

We took a long lunch and went out looking for people and houses of peace. Some of the brothers were invited back to visit the two young men and meet their families.

The wives were believers, but the husbands were far from God. Our trainees led the men to Christ using the 3Circles gospel presentation.

Tomorrow they will return to the home to begin the first lesson in discipleship — Repent and Believe: the Story of Zacchaeus.

UPDATE: The trainees are out again this lunchtime looking for houses of peace. Four houses have already opened up for a return visit — either to share the gospel or begin discipleship lessons. Tomorrow is our last day of training, but local workers will continue the discipleship.


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