The Great Commission — in Chinese UPDATED
“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.”
I assumed that all I needed to understand the Great Commission where some good commentaries. I was wrong. This story came in from a man we’ll call Mr Smith.
I was with a group of Chinese church leaders many years ago. They were studying the Great Commission together. They concluded that “I am with you always” was by far the most important part of the Commission. One by one these leaders stood and testified what that promise meant to them. Here’s what they said,
- When I am away from my spouse and tempted to sin Jesus is always with me
- When I am being beaten by police, I am never alone Jesus is always with me.
- When I do not know what to say when I am accused, I do not have to worry Jesus is always with me
- When I go to a new town or village where I have never been I am never alone Jesus is always with me
- When I am in prison even if I am the only believer I am never alone Jesus is always with me
- If I am tempted not to obey the Great Commission I cannot because Jesus is always with me
- Nothing I ever do or say will ever cause Jesus not to be with me.
There’s knowing that comes from reading the Great Commission and studying the best exegetes. Then there’s knowing that comes from obedience at a cost.
UPDATE: Next time someone tells you these multiplying movements are "half a mile wide and half an inch deep" remind him of the outstanding exegetical skills of these Chinese believers." They may not be theologically trained. They may be "uneducated ordinary men and women." But they have been with Jesus and they are learning to obey everything he has commanded.