What others are saying about Pioneering Movements

With an sensitivity to history and an ability to extract principles from the lives of the apostolic pioneers that have gone before us. Steve gives us an inspirational peek into movements and the people who lead them.

~Alan Hirsch author of The Permanent Revolution

Addison  seamlessly intertwines the biblical narrative with examples of how today’s disciples of Christ are seeing the same miraculous activity of God. If you want to be a part of that movement that Jesus launched, you’ll want to draw deeply from What Jesus Started.

~David Garrison author of A Wind in the House of Islam

Steve Addison’s third book on movements builds on his previous writings by inviting Christ Followers to become “movement pioneers” wherever they live. Pioneering Movements is filled with examples of such people from the early church, Christian history, and modern day movements. Steve makes a compelling case that God can use any Christ Followers to replicate disciple making, while also providing simple, practical steps to get started.

~ Jerry Trousdale author of Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love With Jesus.

The history of global missions is rich and encouraging, even in this complex age we can learn a great deal from those who have gone before. In Pioneering Movements, Steve Addison provides us with a compelling reminder of the importance godly leaders play in the proliferation of the gospel for God’s Glory. His book is both instructive and inspirational.

~Ed Stetzer LifeWay Research www.edstetzer.com

Pioneering Movements paints a picture of the difference between spiritual leaders who start churches and those who launch movements. Addison provides a delicious cross-section of the traits, efforts and focus of men and women, expatriates and nationals, that cross that line to spark movements that change their worlds.

~Steve Smith author of T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution

The best thing about this book is the stories and the people …it’s all real!  This isn’t wishful idealism or bland theology. With the type of leadership Steve describes and the powerful presence of the Spirit of God, movements are possible, and God expects and even longs for our participation. As a practitioner, Steve gives us plenty of “how-tos.” The choice to engage is ours.

~Sam Metcalf author of Beyond the Local Church: How Apostolic Movements Can Change the World

Hundreds of thousands of books will be published this year. Only a few have the potential to change the world. This latest book by Steve Addison is one of those few books. Movements of all kinds change our world on a daily basis. Pioneering movements of discipleship are the most powerful movements of all because they change communities of people at the heart level. What Steve has created is a manual to help all of us become the pioneers of these world changing movements. This book is an essential resource for the missions community.

~Rick Wood Missions Frontiers Magazine

What do you get when you combine theory with practice? The Apostle Paul. Steve Addison delivers the same One-two punch in his latest book Pioneering Movements. This tactician/practitioner combo is what we’ve come to expect from his work, and this latest volume does not disappoint.

~Peyton Jones author of Church Zero, host of The Church Planter Podcast and founder of the New Breed Church Planting Network


Steve talks to Pete and Peyton about Pioneering Movements


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