Movement Pioneers know what to do on Monday morning

Ray Vaughn

Ray Vaughn

What does your Monday morning mission look like? 

This just came in from Ray Vaughn,

Dear friends and family

Yesterday we prayed for a young guy that was far from God.

He asked us to pray for a girl he had beat up on a weak ago.

He gave us the apartment number and we made our way over there. They came to their door the same time we did. We asked to pray for them and they invited us in.

We shared the 3 circles Gospel presentation with them and they all three received the Lord. They received their identity in Christ, and taught who to share with and what to say. They decided to meet together as church!!

Many times when the Gospel is shared with folks there is a positive reception but then the enemy comes in and steals away the seed.

Please pray for this fragile church start.


Discipling this group will be messy. Broken people are not put back together overnight. But why would you want to do anything else?

So is your Monday morning missional engagement as clear and real as this?

If it’s not, don’t keep trying harder. Something needs to be different. Get some basic training from someone who knows what to do on Monday morning. Find someone who has fresh stories of people far from God who are now learning to follow and obey Jesus.


Pioneering Movements - out now on Kindle


Movement Pioneers look back, then move forward