Prisoners, businessmen and a former Prime Minister are making disciples in the South Pacific

Caleb & Alpheus

Caleb & Alpheus

It’s always good to hear from Grant Morrison. He’s now based in Vanuatu and flying all over the South Pacific multiplying disciples and churches.

These are two of his guys in the Solomon Islands. 

Alpheus (on the right) used to be a chaplain at the prison. Now he follows up the released prisoners who accepted Christ during their time in gaol. He trains these men to begin groups and plant churches all over the Solomon Islands. One of these men is a former Prime Minister who now leads a group of new believers, another is a Taiwanese businessman who owned a casino and on his release turned the business into a hardware store and he now seeks to tell his friends and colleagues about Jesus.

This is where you go to hear the latest, send an encouraging note, give towards the ministry. Travel between Pacific Island nations is expensive.


Three great books on sale


Teaching disciples the obedience of faith