Movement Pioneers practice Radical Candor

Uploaded by FreshBooks University on 2015-12-08.

I sent the link to this presentation to one of my Yodas. It’s on Radical Candor.

My Yoda taught me that it’s a characteristic of teams that breakthrough in multiplying disciples and churches.

The team learns as members engage in the harvest and mobilise others. Then they get in the room and share what God is doing, and where they are stuck. They care enough about the outcome to be honest and open with each other.

Then they set new goals and back into the field. The team becomes a learning community.

Yoda told me,

I learned that style from military leadership no BS allowed and  truth goes both up and down.

Almost no religious organisations practice this which is why almost all implementers come from a secular background where they learned truth telling.

This is a business world presentation, so expect some colourful language.

Next dive into the Gospels with your team and ask, How did Jesus practice Radical Candor with the workers he trained?


A great comment from Yoda David in South Africa…


Basically, 'speaking the truth in love.' It's a core value for us. Today we had an open and frank discussion about racism and how we offend one another across cultures.  It was raw, real and constructive. It takes time for a team to become a 'safe space' where this kind of conversation can take place.


Basically, 'speaking the truth in love.' It's a core value for us. Today we had an open and frank discussion about racism and how we offend one another across cultures.  It was raw, real and constructive. It takes time for a team to become a 'safe space' where this kind of conversation can take place.


Movement Pioneers practice


After 46 years Phil and Ruthann are still saying thanks