Turning local churches into mobilisation centres

Who is that guy in the front?

Who is that guy in the front?

Some of the #NoPlaceLeft guys have come up with a strategy to turn local churches into mobilisation centres. It’s called the 3Touches.

The 3Touches are three training events on sharing the gospel and making disciples, two-three months apart. After each one 3Thirds discipleship groups are launched to practice the skills, begin sharing the gospel and learn how to disciple others.

  • At the first training a “swarm” team of experienced practitioners do 100% of the training.
  • At the second event (2-3 months later) the training is shared 50/50 with the swarm team and a local practitioners.
  • At the last event (2-3 months later) the swarm team watch while the local practitioners do all the training.

Meanwhile three teams are forming:

  1. A House of Peace search team that goes out every week
  2. A House of Peace follow up team
  3. A Training team for training events every 1-3 months

A church that becomes a mobilisation centre commits to:

  • Lead an event training every 1-3 months
  • Lead weekly 3Thirds discipleship groups
  • Lead weekly House of Peace searches and follow up
  • Adopt a NoPlaceLeft radius around church to share gospel with every household within a time-frame.

To find out more listen in to my interview with Troy Cooper.


The 3Touches in Tusla


How to find churches that are ready to multiply