The fault dear Brutus...

Don Hayward shares the 3Circles

Don Hayward shares the 3Circles


"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,

But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

Julius Caesar (I, ii, 140-141)

Out on mission this week in Manchester UK. Seven teams of two — British, Americans and Australians in partnership with Ivy Church.

Day One: 56 people received prayer, 48 people heard the gospel (3Circles), 11 yellow lights (I want to learn more), 4 green lights (turned and believed).

Which brings me to the Shakespeare quote—why do we blame the stars? Wherever I go in England people tell me it’s hard here. The British don’t want to hear the gospel. They aren’t interested in faith. Sharing the gospel won’t work. Let’s go softly softly and slow.

Yet everywhere we go we find people whom God has prepared.

It’s hard work, but they are out there. The problem is not in our stars but in ourselves. We’re not convinced that God himself is at work whenever we step out and share the gospel.


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