You've done the training. What's next?

Michelle in wellies NewWine 2016

I never thought I’d see the day when Michelle would be training in Wellingtons (gum boots in Aussie English). Here she is at our stream for NewWine 2016.

Around 200 people attended each day. We covered most of the material in Following and Fishing. There was a lot of energy in the room. The lights were going on for people.

Here’s what characterises the people who sustain the enthusiasm and see lasting fruit.

  1. They get into a group: Start meeting immediately with at least one other person to practice the skills you’ve learnt and to practice the 7Commands using the 3Thirds approach. The details are in Following and Fishing: Getting Started. You can add people who weren’t at the training. Train them as you go. You can start new groups for people who want to be trained.

  2. They get into the harvest: Pray every day for the people in your relational map. Catch up with the people in your world who are far from God. Offer to pray for a need. Ask them if they are near for far from God right now. Ask, would you like to be near (or nearer). Listen and then offer to show them using the 3Circles how they could be near to God. See if they want to meet up and learn some more. Find a partner and head out into the harvest looking for people of peace at least once a week for an hour. Same pattern: offer to pray, ask are you near or far?

  3. They get help: If you get stuck get in touch with the people who trained you. They can help. If you’re making progress get in touch and they can encourage you!

  4. They get more training: Typically we need to repeat the training 3-4 times before we’re confident as practitioners who can train others. Sign up for another training opportunity or host a training 2-3 months after you’ve done your first training. Bring some others with you.

When people do the training and put it into practice, God is faithful. You’ll be amazed at what he does.


Following and Fishing: UK Training UPDATED


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