The appeal passes $2,000

 Appeal 2 425We just made is past $2,000 for the website and podcast appeal. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far.

Some people has asked why it costs so much to rebuild the site and podcast.The reason is the complexity and volume of traffic. It will be a complete redesign as after ten years we need a fresh look. 

There will be improved integration between the blog, the podcast, social media, RSS and mail chimp for newsletters. As well as security and backup system. All this will be done professionally. The current set up has lasted 10 years with improvements along the way. But now it’s time for a complete redesign and overhaul.

You can give through MOVE by following this link. Write “Addison” for the worker/project name.

If you’re in the UK you give here and we’ll claim any gift aid.

Let me know if you’re having trouble with either option.


Here come the Africans!


121-Steve gets personal