Iron on Iron — helping movement pioneers stay encouraged and focused

Ray Vaughn training in the UK

Ray Vaughn training in the UK

This week we’re at the House of Bread in the Cotswolds for a Community of Practice. Practitioners reporting in, identifying where they are stuck, planning what’s next. 

Everyone comes prepared to share their map of generations of disciples and churches. Here’s the process, it’s called an Iron on Iron (Prov 27:17).

1. Prayer

  • Open in prayer for your time 

2. Review action items from the last Iron on Iron

  • Did you do what you said you would, how did it go? 

3. How are you abiding in Christ?

  • Time in the Word, Prayer & Memory [quantity & quality] 
  • Listening & Obedience 
  • Sin to Confess & Surrender [individual or pattern]
  • How are your Key Relationships Is there anywhere where the enemy might be bringing division?

4. What is Jesus doing in your ministry?

  • Draw out your key generations

5. Where are you stuck?

  • What areas are you not sure what to do in right now, or having difficulties moving forward? Your disciples?

6. Questions, Feedback & Encouragement

  • Others turn to ask questions for clarification on anything, give thoughts, advice, encouragement

7. Action items

  • Make two action items that you will accomplish this week based on your iron on iron time [personal & next step for each disciple/church]

8. Prayer

  • Pray over what the person shared and action items

We take an hour per person (or team).

There are tears and laughter. Obstacles are identified. Insight comes. Pioneers discover they are not alone. Everyone walks out the door with an action plan.


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