On the lookout for Bangladeshis

The Sundells were in Washington DC recently training church planters to reach immigrant groups. They went out into the harvest looking for people of peace. Jeff reports:

My wife Angie and our daughter Miriam approached a lady in South Asian dress playing with a child in the playground, and they shared creation to Christ with her and had an hour-long conversation with her.  She was from  Bangladesh.  She shared that her husband was a nominal Muslim but she was very interested in meeting weekly to learn more about Jesus.

You can go wandering around Washington DC and find Bangladeshi Muslims who want learn more about Jesus. There are Bangladeshis in major cities all over the world. There are 450,000 Bangladeshis living in Britain, concentrated in East London. There are 100,000 in Italy. One million Bangladeshis live in the USA. They all maintain close ties to home. If they hear the gospel they are just a Skype call or a visit away from their friends and family back home.

Bangladesh has a population of 170 million. The vast majority are Muslim. To reach them you could learn the language and move to Bangladesh. Or you could start by introducing yourself to the family in the park . . . .


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