A new (beta) version of Following and Fishing

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I’ve put off releasing this. It wasn’t quite right. Then I realised, it never will be right until people start using it and we get feedback.

So here’s Following and Fishing v3.1 (beta).

As always, there is no copyright on this material. Freely we have received, freely we give.

Use what’s helpful. Send in your suggestions, questions, corrections.

We don’t use these notes for training or discipleship. We use them for reference and preparation. We’ll often hand them out, or send around the pdf, after we’ve trained. When we meet with a new group of disciples we just use blank paper.

If you’re responsible for one of the many translations (Russian, Spanish, Mancunian, German, Farsi, Chinese and Swedish) there is no need to make any changes unless you would value them.

If you prefer Version 2, keep using it.


The Gospel of Paul and the Gospel of the Kingdom


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