A few people to thank

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A few people to thank for helping with the relaunch of the site. 

First, thanks to all our supporters, friends and readers who gave to cover the cost of the rebuild. Could not have done it without you!

Thanks to Peter Bergmeier for input on design and for creating the Movements logo. 

To Michelle for patience and grace when I became obsessed with the project and needed to be reminded of more important things.

When I was stuck and couldn’t find a way out, thanks to Craig, Ren and Alex for pointing me towards the SquareSpace platform. I love WordPress, but it was time to change.

Finally, Darren Ngui, you were an answer to my prayers. Thanks for your work in transferring the site from WordPress to SquareSpace. You’ve got a good eye for design and your technical skills are outstanding. You’re great to work with. 


The God who speaks (1)


130-Pioneering Movements in Britain