Lies We Believe About God

Paul Young, author of The Shack

Paul Young, author of The Shack

Over twenty million people have bought a copy of The Shack. Now comes the film. This is an important work that is shaping how we understand the faith—within the church and popular culture.

We don't have to speculate on what the author intends to communicate through this story. He's told us clearly in a newly released work of non-fiction, Lies We Believe About God.

In this book, Paul Young tells us what he believes about sin and judgment, the Cross and salvation, the very character of God. In doing so he passes judgment on 28 Lies he says we believe about God. Young proclaims a gospel that is acceptable to our culture, but is it true to the Scriptures?

Tim Challies responds >>


Beer, Bibles and Same-sex Marriage. Brewer Bows to Backlash. UPDATED.


Classic CS Lewis on sale.