NoPlaceLeft Latinos



Oggie Martin is an Argentine-American living in Florida. As a successful evangelist he realised he could never reach the world’s half a billion Latinos by converting individuals. Now he’s on a mission to multiply disciples and churches throughout the Latino world.

Before the coronavirus Oggie was criss-crossing the Latino world training and mobilising workers. In from Mexico to Argentina, Cuba to Venezuela, and Ecuador they were getting the gospel out, making disciples, and planting churches.

The virus hit and Oggie was stuck at home. What was he to do? He didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Immediately doors opened. Before the virus, denominations were reluctant to release authority and responsibiliy to their people. A key inhibitor to movements. When the lockdown came they were ready, and Oggie was the man to help them do it.

Soon Oggie was training online groups of up to 100. All with the blessing of their denomination. Word spread and one online training blew out at 800 young people, adults and pastors. 

The crisis broke denominational traditions and now ordinary people are on the front line making disciples and forming new churches. When the lockdown lifts the churches can start meeting face-to-face or remain online if people are separated geographically.

Oggie is no longer flying from country to country in Latin America. On Mondays he trains 300 Mexicans on Zoom. On Tuesdays it’s 200 Colombians. On Wednesdays 350 Central Americans. On Fridays another 300 from Brazil.

These trainings get people started in sharing the gospel and making disciples. Then Oggie goes fishing for leaders in each region. On Saturdays he offers additional training for 60-80 people who are quick to implement and want to learn more. 

Now Oggie has teams and leaders in every Latin American country.

His role is shifting from trainer to coach as he multiplies leaders. All this from his living room in Florida.

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