4-Fields Discovery: Acts


I’m continuing the journey through Acts. I’m experimenting with some adjustments to the 4-Fields Discovery worksheet for the book I’m writing.

  • I’ve changed What are you learning about the Spirit? to What are you learning about God—Father Son and Holy Spirit?

  • I’ve changed What are you learning about persecution? to What are you learning about obstacles and opposition?

  • To fit in with the language of Acts I’ve changed What are you learning about a NoPlaceLeft vision (Rom 15:23)? to What are you learning about the word going to the ends of the earth? (Acts 1:8)?

We use the discovery worksheet in training and cover Acts 13-21. My lesson from working through Acts is there is gold in the other chapters.

Happy to hear what you think in the comments below.


266-Growing Leaders Along the Refugee Hwy


The Weird World of Acts