314-Gospel Seed Sowing – Nathan Shank

Session 1: Clarifying the Gospel

Nathan’s first study examines a survey of passages across the New Testament to clarify the Biblical Gospel. What could be more important than sowing the right seed? Our goal is to answer the question, what do we say? Answer: the core elements of the Gospel must be our message. Considering the biblical Gospel, how might you revisit your seed sowing to ensure fidelity to the message that gives life?

Session 2: Right Response to the Gospel

As we seek to share a biblical Gospel, we ought also to allow the New Testament to instruct us regarding the right response. In today’s study, we survey a variety of passages to consider the call to respond. Have you considered the variety of terms used in the NT? How might the variety of terms used relate to or support each other? As you go about Gospel ministry, which of these passages inform or provide questions worthy of attention in your seed sowing?

Session 3: The Power of the Gospel

As we go about seed sowing we are fully dependent on God to give life. Today we have gathered various verses describing the power of the Gospel to accomplish what we cannot. Have you ever considered the Gospel a “powerful, personal force?” The use of active verbs across the NT led Robert Plummer to suggest the Gospel itself is active, on the march and taking the enemy’s ground wherever it is faithfully sown. Have you considered the stewardship you carry as you share? Have you considered the privilege to carry the very “power of God unto salvation” in your hand?

Session 4: The Advance of the Gospel in the NT

Have you considered the consistent pattern of Gospel advance in the first century? The Bible is the inspired account of Gospel advance from early examples of addition in and around Jerusalem to various examples of multiplication. As we shall see, the NT details entire provinces saturated with the ‘Word of the Lord.’ How might NT precedent inform our expectations for Gospel advance? Have we seen the Gospel ring out among new believers? How might we pray and posture for such multiplication?


My tribute to Michelle


313-Engaging empty fields