Where is God when all hell breaks loose?

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 1 Peter 4:12

A few thoughts about the interview with Chris who was a pioneer for a movement of disciples and churches somewhere in Asia when all hell broke loose.

The first attack came through a leader Chris had promoted without first being tested. The local believers were suspicious but couldn’t say why. The fruit of his influence was conflict among the disciples.

So Chris did a background check and discovered this leader was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So Chris confronted him and confronted his followers who had slipped in to undermine the movement and promote a false messiah.

When wolves show up it’s time for the shepherds to fight.

The second attack came through violence and intimidation. God kept Chris and his family safe from serious injury but the attack was overwhelming. Chris discovered he was out of this depth. He turned to God, he turned his weakness into faith, and while two demonized people screamed abuse outside his home he took to prayer. For three days he sat before God with an open Bible.

On the third day, he still did not know what to do, but he did know that the risen Lord has authority over evil spirits. He walked outside and in Jesus’ name commanded them to stop! They fled in terror.

Not only had God won the victory, but Chris was a different man. He had stepped into his authority in Christ. In his weakness, he experienced the power of God and would never be the same.

What Satan meant for evil and the destruction of a movement, God meant for his glory. When all hell broke loose, God refined and purified his people and won the battle.

Podcast: When all hell breaks loose


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