Heart of a founder: Rick Paynter

Png Letter 1-1Png Letter 2-1 Here's a letter I received back in 2002 from Rick Paynter. Rick's day job is senior pastor of Gateway Family Church and leader of the Gateway movement. For fun he hangs out in Papua New Guinea with his mate Kiap who is fueling a church planting movement among the urban poor.

Greetings from Vada Vada PNG,

It’s so exciting here. People are really open or looking for an encouraging word to be given to them. We started two new fellowships this week, on at the city dump called “6 Mile” and one at an abandoned village near Gabutu. There is such desperation all around, how could churches here not see it? No one but Gateway it seems (and a few United Methodists) have any concern for the slum settlers and urban poor.

They only have church services for the “already saved”. Kiap commissioned two new assistant pastors today. Both men saved through his ministry, and trained by him to plant churches. Wait ‘til I show you his method! Sensational because it’s simple, biblical and effective!

Thanks for your partnership Steve and Michelle, in this great Gateway adventure.

Rick 10 Feb 2002 Port Moresby PNG



US Church Planting Conference 2007


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