US Church Planting Conference 2007

07PromoThe details are out for the National (US) New Church Conference in April 2007. I was there last year and I'll be there with a band of Aussies next year.

The blurb:

Exponential: Moving Beyond Addition - It was Jesus that cast the vision for this emerging, seeker-targeted church that would soon exponentially grow to impact the world. As Jesus spoke it was very clear that this church had an unlimited potential – the potential to alter eternities and to change the world. In the midst of the resulting chaos, the church experienced explosive growth; growth well beyond addition, and even beyond multiplication. Exponential growth characterized by a spirit-led, missional, and reproducing DNA. The conference experience is designed to inspire, encourage, train, equip, and connect church planting leaders.

Speakers include: Bill Hybels, Wayne Cordeiro, Ed Stetzer, Dave Ferguson, Bob Roberts, Larry Osborne, Bil Cornelius, Mark Batterson, Jim Putman, Rick Rusaw, Matt Chandler, Darrin Patrick, Shawn Lovejoy, Vince Antonucci, Bob Logan, and David Putman.

There's also a range of ten pre-conference intensives.

If you're going from Australia or any anywhere else, send me an email and I can you in on our group discount. Also a chance to connect those who are attending.

The email address is on my bio page protected from evil spammers. I think that's an oxymoron. No, it's a tautology!

Church Planting


Prayer as combat


Heart of a founder: Rick Paynter