What I'm reading

I have neglected my What I'm reading page. But I have repented and here are three titles that have recently caught my attention and why.

1. A preface to Christian theology (John Alexander Mackay)

I'm only 30 pages into this one. Already it is having a profound impact on me. Written in 1942, Mackay foresaw many of the issues we would face with the rise of postmodernism. As did CS Lewis and GK Chesterton.

What I love about Mackay is that his response is good theology—theology of the heart and soul, not just the mind. Theology of engagement, not academic detachment.

His parable of the Balcony and the Road is profound.

Essential reading for anyone serious about the intersection of discipleship, mission and theology.

Preface Christian Theol Mackay
2. Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God (Gordon D. Fee)

A simple text which is the fruit of a life time of study by a great New Testament scholar. I'm convinced we are preaching a Gospel minus the Holy Spirit. Fee has brought me back to my roots as an evangelical convinced that the fruit of salvation is the empowering presence of God the Holy Spirit. Now my experience just has to catch up!

The Message of Acts: The Spirit, the Church, and the World (Bible Speaks Today) (John R. W. Stott)

At the next1000 Summit we spent two morning devotions reading the Book of Acts and distilling the principles for fueling church planting movements. I can't think of a better exercise for a church planting or apostolic team than to read and re-read Acts and allow the Spirit speak through the text. So I've dived into John Stott's commentary and it has been a great companion in the process of rediscovering the church in mission.


Denominational divorce


The art of telling a story