Catching the real disease from Bob

img-4836-1-tm.jpg Bob Roberts is contagious. You can't help but get excited about whatever he's excited about. Even if it's kissing a giraffe. (Please don't tell him I published this photo or he might publish the one of me!)

We caught up earlier this year in Kenya for consultation on church planting movements. Don't tell him I published this photo.

Recently he dropped in on Melbourne for a couple of days to talk about city transformation and church planting movements.

One thing I like about Bob is that he refuses to choose between the Church and the Kingdom, between preaching the Gospel and transforming the world. He also refuses to shrink his dreams and visions to fit "reality". That's why he's contagious.

Here's an article that unpacks the journey he's been on: Glocal Church Ministry

Here's his latest book.

The Multiplying Church: The New Math for Starting New Churches (Bob Roberts Jr.)


Coffee, muffins and the love of God


The Church confronts (Post?) Modernity