Coffee, muffins and the love of God

Istock 000001540780Xsmall I was flat preparing for trip to Sydney. But I just knew I should drop in on Peter and Suzie and their inner city church plant.

As I arrived the team were going out to visit local businesses with an offer of free coffee and muffins.

Meanwhile I sat down with Peter to hear how things were going.

Thirty minutes later Suzie returns with their young son in her arms. She's bursting with excitement.

She'd visited the local auto mechanics, a restaurant supply business and the six women and one guy working in the brothel down the street. The locals welcomed them warmly and the door was open to go back.

When I first made the appointment, Peter was concerned that I was too busy to travel all the way into the city to visit. As I drove home I thought about how fortunate I am to hang out with people who aren't too busy to brew coffee and bake muffins and knock on the door of the local brothel to share the love of God in Christ.


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