Sydney burns plastic Jesus

driscoll-sydney-tm.jpgJust last week a friend confessed to me that he wondered if God had called him as an evangelistic preacher. He's a cool guy and so was troubled by this.

Surely the conventional wisdom is that the age of mass evangelism is over?

I told him, once the pundits have all agreed, it's time for God to surprise us.

The same principle applies to other uncool activities like door to door evangelism. Ask Wayne Pickford. (Let's hope world missions makes a comeback.)

So I wasn't surprised when in Sydney last week 10,000 people turned up to hear Mark Driscoll challenge them to "Burn your plastic Jesus".


Mark Driscoll is always memorable. The quote that got my attention?

My fear for you is that Sydney is a good enough heaven.

And he hasn't even visited Melbourne yet.


Southern Baptist success? Maybe.


Coffee, muffins and the love of God