Kingdom without borders

gawai-festival-4.jpg Miriam Adeney tells the story of how the gospel saved a whole people from annihilation.

In Borneo, in the middle of the nineteenth century the British governor prohibited head-hunting and improved agricultural methods. More rice and freedom from fear led to more fermented beverages, partying and heavy drinking. Alcoholism became a major scourge, families were broken, and violence erupted frequently.

Then in Australia, several Christians felt called to serve the Lun Bawang and Kelabit people. When they arrived, officials tried to discourage them. They said it was not worthwhile because those people are going to disappear. They will be gone in a generation.

Nevertheless, the missionaries did go. They shared God’s good news. The people responded. Lives changed. They quit drinking. Families healed. They asked the government for schools. Today they are literate, contributing citizens.

Including believers in nearby tribes, there are 150,000 followers of Jesus, and more than one thousand churches. They say, β€œThe gospel saved us, not only as individuals but as a people.

"Kingdom Without Borders: The Untold Story of Global Christianity" (Miriam Adeney)


017-It's 5:21am in the morning. . .


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