017-It's 5:21am in the morning. . .

Dave Lawton

Dave Lawton

I got up this morning before 5:00am to drive across town with Dave Lawton for a prayer meeting with his church planters.

Along the way we talked about making disciples and planting churches in Melbourne, Australia.

After the interview and a coffee we gathered to pray. Dave pulled out a whiteboard and drew on it all the "households" his workers were connected with—Sudanese, Sikh, Aussie battlers, mainland Chinese, Vietnamese, and Aussie college students.

Team members reported in on how they were connecting, sharing the gospel and praying for people in the households.

They didn't focus on individuals, but on family and friendship networks.

As they connect they invite people into a Discovery Bible Study. As people come to faith, they begin to form church in their world.

Dave and the team are not trying to plant a church. They want to multiply churches from the start.

Dave has about fifty volunteers throughout Melbourne—north, south, east and west. The vision doesn't stop with Melbourne. In two weeks he and the team are driving 900kms to walk and pray through western Sydney and see what opens up. . .


Seven themes of fruitfulness


Kingdom without borders