Missional failure is an option

Mike Breen is right, the "missional movement" will fail unless it knows how to make disciples.

Movements come and go throughout history. The missional movement will have its day and then there'll be something else. The question is, what legacy will it leave behind?

I'm still trawling through the book of Acts, working on my next book. The great news is that mission is not about us. It's about about God. Our job is to join in on what he is doing.

Acts highlights to limitations of the very people God has called to spread the gospel. Acts isn't about them. It's about God and the unstoppable advance of his word despite human failings, persecution, and lack of resources.

God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the engine that drives the mission forward. As the word continues its journey from Jerusalem to the world, new disciples are made and new communities are formed.

Next time you're in despair over your own limitations and failings, read the book of Acts and remember what really matters.

the power and purpose of the one true God
the birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection and exaltation of Jesus
the outpouring of the Spirit to empower God’s people to be witnesses throughout the world
the promises of scripture that are fulfilled through Jesus
the Spirit inspired strategies that effectively spread the gospel into different religious and cultural settings
the supportive communities of disciples reaching their world

When these realities do not reflect our current experience, we have to decide whether to trust our experience, or trust the Risen Lord who still leads the way.


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