It's not rocket science


Forget all the books, blogs, podcasts, conferences, and higher learning.

What did Jesus do? What does it look like today? Here's a glimpse, and it's not rocket science.

Hi Glenn (denominational leader)

I was visiting a friend yesterday afternoon. I pulled up in their drive way and their next door neighbour, an elderly lady about eighty years old, was weeding her garden. My friends haven't had much to do with her, and it was the first time i'd seen her, so I thought I'll stop and say hello.

We talked for a bit and she was telling me about her situation with her children, and I said, "Can i ask you a question?" She said sure. So i asked her, "If God would do a miracle in your life today, what would you like it to be? She said that she would like to continue to live and enjoy life despite the situation with her children.

I asked if I could pray with her. She had teary eyes as she said of course you can. We prayed out in her garden, and I arranged to visit her again next week. And hopefully explore God more.

Uili (church planter)

We've made this thing far too complicated. Far too conceptual. Far too abstract.

Go out and ask five people, "If God could do a miracle in your life, what would it be?" Then ask, "Can I pray for you?"

See what happens when you obey what Jesus has commanded. It just might change your life.


My favourite Steve Jobs moment


Missional failure is an option