Keeping score: 6. Multiplying workers

6. Multiplying workers

Jesus’ example has never been surpassed. This is how he multiplied workers for a missionary movement:

Model: He modeled effective ministry to his disciples.

Assist: He recruited them to work alongside him.

Watch: He watched what they did and provided instruction.

Leave: Finally, he left them to get on with the job and to train others.

Now take five minutes to read the last chapter of Romans. How many people is Paul in relationship with? How many does he identify as co-workers—either mobile missionaries or local workers?

Do the same for NT and you'll find Paul or Luke in Acts identifies around 100 people by name, and 36 are local or mobile coworkers. That's not a full list, but just the ones identified in the NT.

How do you measure success? Success is not how big your ministry, group, or church are. Success is having children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren—disciples, workers, groups and churches.

It is not easy, but it is simple.

Now it's your turn.

  • Identify how you are modeling effective ministry to teachable people?
  • Who have you recruited to serve with you?
  • Who are the workers you are encouraging as they take responsibility?
  • Who have you trained who is training others?

If you’ve answered “none” to any of the above, don’t be discouraged. Now you know where to start.

UPDATED: This post has been updated.


The debate begins


Keeping score: 5. Gathering communities