The debate begins

201202140843.jpg The long debate has begun in the Australian parliament on the legalisation of same-sex marriage. The Greens and the Labor Party have each proposed their own amendments

In Parliament yesterday, Andrew Leigh (Labour) acknowledged that many of the opponents of same-sex marriage are devoutly religious. In response, he argued it is possible to support same-sex marriage without undermining marriage, family or religion.

Leigh told Parliament that "same-sex marriage is supported by many religious leaders." He went on to list Australian church leaders who supported gay marriage, among them Baptist pastors Reverend Rowland Croucher and Reverend Matt Glover.

So there you have it, church leaders in good standing with their denomination, cheering on our law-makers intent on redefining marriage.

Where does the Baptist Union of Victoria stand on this issue? Why no debate? Why the silent acceptance of church leaders, denominational college lecturers, and denominational leaders who undermine what the Scriptures teach, and what the vast majority of Baptist churches and members believe?


Why can't I marry my girlfriend?


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