The stories are coming in

Two stories from the Following and Fishing Forum:

What do you do when you realise you don't know much about someone's relationship with Jesus? Ask them! This is what i did with a nearly 80 year old couple at church. I went and visited and said, "I came around with a purpose.

I realised that you have been coming to church for a while but that I have never asked you about your spiritual beliefs". It wasn't too hard. But it led to a long time of listening and talking them through "Share Jesus Without Fear" and leading them to pray for forgiveness, understanding that they are sinners (initially they said 'no' when asked if they are a sinner').

Now I am training them using the 'Seven Commands of Christ'.

Another one:

Yesterday I door-knocked a part of town.

It's the first time I've had the guts to actually knock in our little town (up til now I've been building on existing connections).

It was a very positive experience with everyone I met. I was able to introduce myself, and depending on the situation, I just chatted and listened and where I could prayed for a need. I used, where appropriate, Timothy Scheuer's Four Spiritual Questions.

I met one lady who is having a baby and used to go to church. She is open to a return visit. On the same trip I spent about an hour with a Roman Catholic Christian answering questions and I led her through Share Jesus Without Fear and encouraged her both with the gospel (assurance) and also to be a devoted follower of Jesus.

UPDATE: From a church planter in Perth. I had just a couple of hours with him late last year.

For the last two months we have been doing the seven stories of hope in our missional community groups and it has been great so far!!

And through using the '7 commands' bible studies one-on-one I have seen three people becoming a Christian in the last two months!


Had a great night last night where we unpacked the first story of hope where a woman washed Jesus feet. The big issue was that of forgiveness - what do we need forgiveness for?

Great discussions with a guy who strongly agreed with the personal need for forgiveness and is now weighing up the price that he must make if he is to leave the old world behind.

As has been said before, he is teetering on the edge - and he knows it. Last night God demonstrated His reality in the most wonderful way, and the guy knows full well the decision he must make. But first he needs to weigh the cost of following Jesus.

And his girlfriend, a lady young in the faith, is the one empowered and positioned to lead him across the line to be a follower of Jesus.


Visiting Gungahlin


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