Visiting Gungahlin


I was in Canberra two weeks ago training on Saturday and speaking at Belconnen Baptist. During the service I got excited about their new congregation forming in Gungahlin and announced during the message that I'd be back in two weeks to go visiting homes in the area.

Last Saturday, after the second training, some of us went out visiting.

Gungahlin is a new housing area — "middle Australia". Houses are going for over half a million dollars.

I just had an hour, but in that time met an anglo-Aussie, an anglo-Indian, a Mon-Burmese, a Hindu-Indian, and a Sikh-Indian. Quite a few people not home as it was a holiday weekend. Only one gentleman was too busy to stop and talk.

We used a simple survey as an introduction.

In one home an Aussie born lapsed Catholic answered that if it was possible to know God personally, he's like to know more. I was able to share my story of coming to know Christ.

In another home a lady with a Sikh background helped us understand her faith. At the end I asked if God could do a miracle in her life, what would it be? And could we pray for her? Her eyes filled with tears as she shared how her sister had died recently in India.

After just an hour I had discovered two things: (1) Just how open people are to the right approach. (2) How diverse, ethnically and religiously, "ordinary Australians" are becoming.

"Door-knocking" doesn't come naturally for me. OK, I dread it. Yet every time I've done it, God has been at work.


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