Are you inviting people to Church or inviting them to Jesus?

Jeff Sundell  Inviting

Another great story from Jeff Sundell:

A pastor at the training had heard me share that it was time to stop inviting people to church and time to start inviting people to Jesus, equipping our folks to no longer be just church members but missionaries in our communities.

That evening, he went home and saw a neighbor he had invited to church for nine years; that man had never come once. He immediately invited the man to church and fell under conviction that he needed to share his story and Jesus’ story. So, he shared his story and heard the man share his own story.

The pastor asked if he could come to the neighbor’s house to share the 7 Stories of Hope, and the man said yes. The next morning at 7 am as the pastor was leaving his house for work, the man told him, “We are really excited you are coming to our home tonight!” 

Jeff has just joined e3partners and is raising his support. I can't think of a better investment in the Great Commission.


It can't be this easy


Thinking and acting like a movement leader