It can't be this easy

IMG 2461

I met Ray when I was with Jeff Sundell for a Community of Practice last year. That's Ray on the left.

Here's an update from Ray. I've changed the names.

Just several hours ago I was with a friend Danny, who I am training in simple discipleship tools. We had some spare time, so I took him on a brief prayer walk.

God really blessed us with the opportunity to meet Cynthia. She is an older African American woman who when we asked if we can pray for her, she dropped everything and gave us her hands. After prayer, she had so much tears coming from her eyes. We asked her if she would be open to learn how to live a life near to God through a small bible study. She was so grateful and inviting.

We are going to meet in her home this Sunday afternoon to look at God's Word. Danny was amazed at how easy this was.

A good reminder that there are MANY OPEN people. I pray that we can continue to find them, share our story and God's story with them. Invite them to Jesus and His Word, and help them grow and obey.

Notice how Ray trains Danny on the job, not in the classroom. Notice how Ray connects through praying for a need. Notice how his endgame is not just a prayer of commitment, but a Discovery Bible Study in a home. Notice his expectation that there are people who are ready to learn more about Jesus. Notice how simple it is? How quickly he can train someone else.

Could it be that one reason why people are not coming to faith is that we're not sharing?

Jesus promised, Follow me and I'll teach you how to fish for people. 


Master Trainers' Community of Practice


Are you inviting people to Church or inviting them to Jesus?