Master Trainers' Community of Practice

IMG 2469

Jeff Sundell is headed for a retreat with 35 trainers for multiplying movements. Here's the pre-work.

Read the Gospels and Acts. Make any notes for the following:

  1. Evangelism
  2. Discipleship
  3. Church Formation
  4. The Holy Spirit
  5. Multiplication/Movements
  6. Suffering
  7. What did Jesus do vs. modern church traditions

Search Acts for scriptural networks of churches

  1. How did money flow, both within and between groups?
  2. What was done to develop unity within individual churches and between multiple churches?
  3. How did churches solve problems internally and externally?
  4. How were leaders developed and shared?
  5. How did they build a flexible structure to finish the task?
  6. How did they facilitate generational growth?
  7. What can we learn together?

Small Group Iron-­on-­Iron

  1. Share what God is doing? (Reproducing Gospel, Reproducing Discipleship, Reproducing Church Formation)
  2. Share where you are stuck? (Reproducing Gospel, Reproducing Discipleship, Reproducing Church Formation)
  3. Share what 2 key action plans that would move you towards generational growth?  
  4. How could we pray for you?

I wish I was there. We'll be running a similar event in October this year for trainers in Australia.


Following and Fishing on the Gold Coast


It can't be this easy